
Marine adventures in Kalajoki

In the summer of 2024 SeaKalajoki operates from Konikarvo harbor. (Address: Konikarvontie 200, 85100 Kalajoki).
We do private seatrips on request to Maakalla island and Rahja archipelago.

Maakalla sea trips we do on a 10-seat DMS Matilda and to Rahja archipelago with a smaller boat, just to make the landings easier.

Maakalla trips for 1-8 persons and Rahja archipelago trips for 1-4 persons.

Bookings through Hiekka Booking:
Mob. +358504056548
email: info@hiekkabooking.fi

Welcome aboard!


  • SeaKalajoki
    (Heavy Metal
    Consultation Oy)
  • Company ID: 2108399-2
  • Tel. 0504056548
  • info@hiekkabooking.fi
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